Tuesday, 9 February 2016

23/01/16 - Gay Club

My friend George really wanted to show us the gay club he went to with Kazu previously. So, since it was our last weekend with Misaki before she went to Europe, we decided to check it out. Personally, I was excited to see the drag queens that perform there. I didn't know what to expect from a gay bar in Japan. This is mostly because of how silent the Japanese tend to stay on the topic. As in, they don't really mind but would prefer not to talk about it. I think that's the biggest difference between Australia and Japan - I feel that most Australian's would speak up if they have an issue, but here they do not.

When we arrived, I found out that the club was actually underground. We walked downstairs and almost instantly after entering I could only breathe cigarette smoke. The door man gave us glow in the dark stamps and we handed our belongings to the cloakroom attendant.

The club wasn't exactly my style. It was seriously crowded and there were tonnes of rude white people there. I think the highlight was the drag queens, definitely. However, they were not very stylish if I'm being honest. Overall, it was fun to dance with my friends, but I don't know if I want to go back. Afterwards we went to sushi at around 5am, sincerely hoping for the first train to arrive because it was beyond freezing.

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