Tuesday, 9 February 2016

22/01/16 - 24/01/16 - Saying Goodbye

Since 5 months have passed, the exchange students who are only here for one semester are leaving. On the 22nd we had a formal going away ceremony, where students read speeches and we got dinner together afterwards. It was a nice ceremony, and I hope that mine is like that in the future! However, while I was upset at this ceremony, nothing had prepared me for the going away party the following Sunday. 

At first, I wasn't looking forward to the party because I was hungover. But, I wanted to go just in case it was the last time I could see everyone who was leaving. Going downstairs, everyone was running around trying to still set up the remaining chairs. But, they ended up getting moved aside for the food anyway. I'd already eaten pasta, so I wasn't very hungry. However, I personally couldn't resist nutella balls. 

After about an hour and a half, we sat down in chairs in front of a projector. The RA's had prepared a video for us to watch of the past couple months. It was honestly so funny but at the same time really sad. It hit me so hard that all the people in the video were going to be leaving soon, and I probably won't see them again. I, and everyone else, cried a lot. I think no one was quite ready for that kind of video. After that, we stood up with the people in our floors and took photos. Some people spoke and lots more cried. Saying goodbye is so hard, and I didn't want to say goodbye to the really good friends I had made here. I think it's going to be even worse when I and all my friends have to go back to our own countries. I'm definitely not looking forward to it. 

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