Saturday, 3 October 2015


I've been really busy for the past week or so, and I haven't found the time to write anything. But, a lot has been going on. For the most part, I've started University now. I started on the 17th of September and since then I have just been trying to adjust everything again. It's been kind of tricky I think because everyone, including myself, still wants to party and have fun all the time, but now we're at University there isn't much room for it.

Last Sunday on the 27th, we had another Welcome Party... I think it must be our 50th one now. Apparently we're having another one again soon as well? But, anyway, it was a sports themed one. We went down to a tiny park that looked deserted to play our games and divided up into teams (after playing some initial name games back at the dorm). The first game was skipping, and our team got the highest score! However, after that we just lost every time. I was so tired. But, in the end we actually got 2nd place overall so it was really good! That night was the nomiho"die" and I definitely died. I was probably the drunkest I had ever been in my life. All you can drink of vodka in two hours is dangerous! But a night I won't forget I think (although apparently I did forget some things).

Yesterday was definitely unplanned but a really fun day I needed. I just bumped into a few friends while leaving class and then we sat on some grass for a bit. They wanted to drink some beer really badly, so we went on a super long walk and eventually grew into a large group of people and walked quite far from the University and got drinks. I just bought some orange juice because I didn't feel like drinking. We found a park nearby but there were small children there and we felt bad drinking in front of them, and when we moved to some stairs there were so many mosquitos you couldn't stop moving to escape them (I'm not exaggerating). Eventually we decided to just go to the park next to the dorm like always, which was a good idea I think.

On a whim, we all decided to go for Sushi. We all had about 8 plates each and it was so satisfying. I wish I could go all the time. It's just so sad knowing that back in Australia I can only get 4 plates and it would still be above $10 but here I get 8 plates and it's still under $10. I'll just have to eat here often so I can remember it well.

Then, 13 of us went to karaoke! It was difficult finding a room, but we managed! The karaoke place even moved other people around to fit us in. We sang a lot of songs together and there were projector screens. It was all so fun to be there with everyone. Karaoke is definitely the most fun thing to do here. A few of us even decided to go again next week! I'm going to be broke fast... Thank god ladies always get discount everywhere in Japan! I love you Japan!

That's everything up until now. I'm going clubbing for the first time tonight which will be really interesting I think! じゃ、まった。

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